Win Photo Info Form


This is NOT for payment, but only information for me to edit and prep your photos for purchase.

This is NOT a payment or order form - this is only the information needed to finish your win photo - information needed so you can order. You should have been helped with the information on this form at the event - if so, please check the Win Folder under your event gallery for your image. If it is there with the info on it, you are ready to purchase through your gallery
* First & Last Name
* Email Address
* Dog's CALL Name
One dog per form
* Phone Number
* Address
Don't forget City, State and Zip!
* Breed
Please choose which breed
* Dog's Color/Sex
Please selected at least 1 answer
* Win Board Information
One win on EACH line please put which show!!!
Ex: Show 1 - winners dog
Ex: Show 4 - BOV
Additional Information
Anything else you would like me to know
This is an informational form only so I know what to put on your win photo board. After your photos have been edited, you will receive an email telling you how to place your order. Please "Favorite" the photo(s) from each show that you would like to purchase so they can be edited

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