Ringside Candid Pre-Order


This is NOT for payment, but only a pre-order for your event. If you chose to pay via credit card, you will receive an invoice shortly. If you chose cash, please have it ready for the photographer at the event

Ringside Candid Pre-Orders are now PACKAGES! You can pick and choose the images you want based on package pricing. If you want a certain number of images that isn't a part of a package, after the event, reach out so that I can give you an additional discount until the new system include the "add additional images" feature.

All package images are high resolution only. Specific shows at multiple show clusters are not guaranteed unless you pay a reservation fee for that specific show. (As an example, you can guarantee a show that you hope your dog will get it's championship by reserving that specific show below)
* First & Last Name
* Email Address
* Phone Number
* Full Address
* Dog's Breed
* Dog's CALL Name
* Dog's Color/Sex
* Class(es)
Which classes your dog will be showing in
Arm Band Number
* Name of Show
* Day/Show
List all shows you are entered in here - first to last - then in the info on the bottom, if you have a specific show you want photographed, let me know - otherwise I will fit in your photos to my schedule
List all shows you are entered in here - first to last - then in the info on the bottom, if you have a specific show you want photographed, let me know - otherwise I will fit in your photos to my schedule
List all shows you are entered in here - first to last - then in the info on the bottom, if you have a specific show you want photographed, let me know - otherwise I will fit in your photos to my schedule
List all shows you are entered in here - first to last - then in the info on the bottom, if you have a specific show you want photographed, let me know - otherwise I will fit in your photos to my schedule
Same Breed Packages - Cash Price
Please selected at least 1 answer
Does not include Groups or Best in Show
Same Breed Packages - Credit Card Price
Please selected at least 1 answer
Does not include Groups or Best in Show
Multiple Breed Packages - Cash Price
Please selected at least 1 answer
Does not include Groups or Best in Show
Multiple Breed Packages - Credit Card Price
Please selected at least 1 answer
Does not include Groups of Best of Show
* Purchase JUST a ringside reservation - NO images included
Please selected at least 1 answer
There are NO PHOTOS involved in this reservation. This simply pays for time to be ringside and capture your dog in the ring. All photos will be available for purchase on the website - with either tier pricing (the more you buy, the price goes down) or possibly package pricing available soon! For a guarantee ringside that INCLUDES photos, please choose an option above.
Reservation Information
If you are making a reservation to guarantee I will be at a specific ring at a specific show for a specific dog, please put ALL the information below so I know which show and when. Remember, a reservation does NOT include any photos. You can buy individually after the event or a package above
Additional Notes or Instructions
If you have multiple dogs/breeds - please list them out here if you don't want to fill out different forms.

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