Painting Services

Custom, digitally painted images from any photo.

View/Purchase Event Photo Shoots


Plan for a time frame of 4 weeks from the time of payment and reciept of image until your first viewing of the final product.


Paintings are created on a computer, but by hand! There is no automation involved in the production of each image.

Source Files

Photos need to be of a decent quality to start with. No copyright infrigment is involved since I am producing a new piece of art.


I will work with you to produce a painting you wish to give as a gift. A custom painted portrait is sure to please.

Information on Paintings

Basic information about paintings:


Depending on output size, can be one or more pets.

Starting at $125

Creation Fee

Whether ordering a piece of wall art, or a digital image, there is a creation fee separate of the final work.

Starting at $125

Wall Art

Ordering wall art can be done on either Canvas, Framed Canvas, as well as unframed fine art prints.

Starting at $125


You can purchase only a digital image to be used for your own peronal printing. I highly suggest using my print services as I only use high end, professional services.

Starting at $350.00