About GoDogPhoto

Experience behind the camera - for 35+ years.

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Owner and photographer, Gloria Anderson has more than 35 years behind a camera!

Starting in high school with friends, sports and concerts - moving onto youth sports years later to be followed by animals exclusively, the journey has gone from film, to the first digitals, to DSLR to Mirrorless!

  • Portraits: Outdoor, natural
  • Action Portraits: set up, fun
  • Composites: Natural, with flow
  • Painting: Fine Art

After many years in shooting a variety of events, in 2023 I decided to dedicate my goals to animal portaits. I still work occasional events as needed, but after spending more than two straight years learning, exploring and practicing my hand at natural portrait settings, I am confident this new direction will be producing the same quality and skill of photos my performance photos have provided for years.

Custom photo shoots in a natural setting make beautiful wall art to show off your pets. Don't wait until your pet can no longer run, jump and enjoy what they love, capture those moments now to hang on your wall, produce many photos for a photo box to show off or to just share with the world online of how wonderful your pet is.